Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Maintainanse of relationship Essay Example for Free

Maintainanse of relationship Essay The social exchange theory assumes relationships provide both rewards (e.g. sex, affection, intimacy) and costs (e.g. time, energy, money). Everyone tries to max reward for min costs. If a relationship is to continue, people expect the partner to reward them as much as they do. Therefore, the greater the rewards and lower the costs, the more attractive the relationship is. How to judge whether the rewards worth more than costs or vice versa depend on the Comparison Level (CL). CL is the overview of what to expect in the exchange from our past experience. If the person has a bad relationship before, he/she will expect little from the current partner; How satisfactory a person feels depends on the rewards (e.g. sex) and costs (e.g. argument) involved if they have another relationship with someone else (CL alt). The equity theory extends this view. It proposed that people strive for fairness between rewards costs. So, a person expects the same proportion of rewards to their costs; otherwise they will feel distress. This theory can account for individual differences as people have diff. view towards rewards and costs and so what is acceptable may not apply to others. For example, Argyle found that many women feel less satisfied when they are over-benefited in a relationship, whereas many males feel little dissatisfaction. Therefore, it becomes very useful in explaining extreme cases where some people in very unhappy relationship do not dissolve, yet those in mediocre marriages do- this is because the investment is high (e.g. children) and the alternatives are low (e.g. no money) and so people tend to stay (Rusbult). However, the claim that people constantly strive for rewards as motivation to maintain relationship has suggested people are selfish and self-centred in relationships. Yet it may be true to the Western individualistic cultures which emphasises on personal interests, but may not apply to non-western collectivistic cultures. This is because they emphasise on group values and so personal selfish concerns become socially undesirable. Therefore these theories are only relevant to Western cultures (Moghadamm et al). Another theory, the socio-biological theories, states that our behaviours are the result of evolution in order to max the chance of passing on the genes. This would mean all relationships are evolved to increase the survival of individuals and opportunities for successful reproduction. Buss suggested that women often seek older, successful men because these men can support them and their children; whereas men prefer younger women because they are likely to be more fertile than older ones. After successfully pass on the genes, we have to protect them so as to max the chance to pass on further. So we are evolved to form close families to protect our children as they shared genes with us. The closer the genes, the more we prepare to sacrifice to protect them. This is the kin-selection which suggests survival of an individuals genes is ensured by helping close relatives to survive. The claim for kin-selection is supported by Fellner Marshalls study who found that 80% of parents are willing to donate their kidneys to their children. This shows that people with the closest generic relationships (i.e. parents children) are willing to sacrifice to protect each other for their survival, thus support kin-selection. Therefore, this theory has made the specific nature of family worldwide- the enormous resources and energy devoted to children- explainable. This means it appears to gain validity. However, such validity is limited because it cannot explain other common relationships such as homosexuals and close friendships. If the claim that relationships are to reproduce successfully is true, it will not apply to homosexuals as they cannot pass on genes. Furthermore, Grajek found that women love their best friend more than their partners. This cannot be explained by this theory as friends outside relatives cannot help pass on genes and so should be as important as their partner. Grajeks contradictory findings have made this theory insufficient to explain most relationships.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Sheriffs Aims in Journeys End :: R.C. Sheriff Journeys End Literature War Essays

Sheriff's Aims in Journey's End What were Sheriff’s aims in writing Journey’s End and how successful was he in achieving those aims? Drama has been popular for ages because it is very entertaining. Another important feature of a drama is that they provide a message. ‘Romeo and Juliet’ is one of the most popular dramas in the world and is of a romance genre. It was written by the great writer, Shakespeare in 1595. ‘Journey's End’ is a play which portrays a picture of life in the First World War trenches. R C Sheriff’s main aim was to provide a moral message and to show an effective piece of drama. The drama also entertained the audience. Sheriff has been very successful in providing a moral message to the audience. He uses different ways to portray the message. One of the ways is that he uses the characters, how they feel being in trenches, with all the pressure and the bombarding. All the characters have the 'war fever', they don’t like living this way for too long, they are all frightened and would prefer being home with their families. We can see the fear clearly in the character of Hibbert when he says to Stanhope "Go on, then, shoot! You won't let me go to hospital. I swear I'll never go in those trenches again. Shoot! – and thank God -" One of Sheriff's main aims was to entertain the audience. He entertains the audience by recounting his experience in the trenches and the war. We also are educated as we are entertained. He also uses black humour, which is entertaining for the audience. The humour is used by the characters to forget about the real horrors of the war. Sheriff also uses sound effects in a very effective manner, most of the time it is silent, then suddenly you can hear the loud noises i.e. bombarding. Sheriff also uses complex characterization to make the play successful. The characters are different in every manner and this adds to the entertainment. The audience realizes that there is no glory in war and in reality; it is an evil which ultimately destroys every person. The play uses plenty of literary jargon, such as "dug-out, bit of line, minnies, boche, trench fever and topping etc." All the military terms used portray the effect of war and the sense of realism. The language used in the play is mostly formal, as in when they use "cheero, Righto, rugger etc". This is just the language used by the upper-class people of the time. They are also using formal language because the play is set in 1910.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Effects of Technology in Society

Technology has automated many of the critical processes in the industry as well the household. The electronic gadgets that have entered the homes of the common man have saved him the daily household work. Our world is ever changing an advancing in the realm of science and technology. Our dreams become cornerstones for the future. These days it seems hard to escape the presence of technology. Many of us depend on it to get us through the day, to do our job, to get around, and to find certain things. While technology has brought us such a long way, could it in fact be hindering us in other ways? What happens when these same technologies we so depend on fail? Could most forms of technology just be interruptions, ways of moving us further away from each other? Could Technology cause a form of isolation? We are faced with these questions every day, whether we realize it or not. Think of the days when there were no computers and no modern means of transport. Human life was highly restricted due to the unavailability of technological applications. Daily life involved a lot of physical activity. The life of the common man of those times was not as luxurious as that of the modern times, but he was more active. Daily exercise was integrated in the routine physical activities. It was contrary to the lifestyle of today, which carries no time slot for rigorous exercise and carries laze and inactivity. Think of the days when there were no online messengers, no emails and no cell phones. Indeed the cellular technology created the miracle of enabling communication over the wireless media. The communication facilities provided by the Internet worked wonders in speeding long-distance communication but also deprived mankind of the warmth of personal contact. Emails replaced handwritten letters and communication lost its personal touch. With the means of communication available a few clicks away, the tendency of taking pains to reach the loved ones has vanished. Times have witnessed this industry evolve from mechanical scooters to automated aircrafts. Animals were the only modes of transportation in day pass. Technology was the driving force behind the creation and design of the modern-day automobiles. Bicycles evolved into scooters and sports bikes. The idea of having four-wheeled modes of transportation gave rise to the creation of cars. Modes of air and water came up, thanks to technology. Machines have automated many of the crucial industrial processes. Machines are now taking up many of the mundane jobs that were once executed by human workers. One of the most important breakthroughs for technology was the agricultural system. The agricultural system was the basis for the technology of the future. The agricultural system brought on the need for transportation, workers and even, battles over land. The need for transportation brought vehicles into the market. The need for employees brought mechanical robots into society. Battles over land brought on the need for sophisticated weapons. The agricultural system brought on a revolution. The invention of the television can bring media and other forms of entertainment into your house with video and audio combined. Before 1950, newspapers and radio were the only ways to bring media or entertainment into the house. Mass production and other job opportunities brought many people from the suburbs and farms into the city. We can now have forms of electricity directed into our houses for heating and light. Humans are more reliant on technology than ever before. All of these technological advances sound great; however, there is a negative effect to all this technology. Technology can serve to actually harm humans rather than help them. Competition between companies or even cities can sometimes make lives for humans even worse. Take for example when a city builds better and more roads to attract tourists. This actually creates more traffic, not less. Technology also changes our sense of common purpose. New inventions such as the personal computer and machines can change our lifestyles. Even things we take for granted such as the automobile have negative effects on technology. The oil needed for a car to run needs to be imported and sometimes accidents such as the Exxon Valdez incident spills many gallons of oil into the ocean. All of these examples show how technology has negative effects on society. First, competition can lead to a negative effect of technology. When a company in the U.  S. produces shoes and a company in Great Britain produces shoes as well, they must fight for their market share. Let’s say the company in Great Britain purchases more machines that will reduce the amount of workers needed and improve output, and then they can reduce the price of their product. If the company in New York doesn't follow in their footsteps then they could be forced out of business. In this case the company is forced into buying the machines just so they can stay in business. This has a negative effect on the employees who will be replaced by the new machines. When a city wants to attract tourists by building better roads to lessen traffic there is a mistake because this will only create more traffic since there will be more people wanting to travel these roads. McManus says the inability to see the future is responsible for the negative effects of new technologies. He also states better roads cause more traffic congestion, not less. By creating better roads, more people will want to travel these roads (A-1). If New York City built a new sophisticated highway to attract more tourists then more New Yorkers will want to travel these roads as well. Many New Yorkers who previously used mass transit to travel to work will now want to use a car to travel to work. In effect there will be more traffic and more pollution. There will be other side effects as well. Real estate values of areas near the highway could go down. Competition can help a community in one aspect however it can hurt it as well. Competition can directly stimulate the economy; however, long term effects such as pollution and the loss of jobs could explain why the City of New York doesn't complete a project like this. Second, technology can change our sense of common purpose. For millions of years, mankind has been used to doing everything for themselves. For a long time peoples' main concerns were survival. To survive means to go out into the woods or forests and shoot animals for the food which the family needs to eat for the day. People of modern society never think about hunting for food or clothes. Now, it is all brought to people instantly through a new standard of survival. The new standard for survival means making money to go to a mall or supermarket and getting everything a family needs. A family can get food and clothing at these places without ever having to go into a forest or a lake. This thought is ever so frightening. When a person from modern society goes into a supermarket and buys a pound of fish, he or she doesn't even think of the process that went into the arrival of that piece of fish. He or she didn't need to go to a lake, all that was needed was to drive to your local supermarket and buy it. No fishing or hunting was necessary. Humans are losing their sense of common purpose. â€Å"But what ‘revenge effect' will this have? The technology- resistance movement begins by pointing out that we are cobbling together virtual communities while our real cities crumble, at least partly because our sense of common purpose has frayed. Today, only about 5 percent of American households are on-line, but what happens, the critics wonder, when half the country is wired? Will we escape the unpleasant complications of the world outside our locked doors by opting for communities in ‘cyberspace,' where we can enjoy the company of people who share our interests and our views? Where the streets never need to be cleaned and you don't have to keep an eye on your neighbor's house? What happens if the sirens outside become too distracting? Will we simply buy insulated drapes? Humans are getting lazy. Almost everything must be done for them in advance. However, sometimes this change in lifestyle is forced upon humans. When a company decides to buy robots to do the job that man once did, and then the human is forced into either getting fired or watching the machine all day long. Hopefully humans will not get used to watching a robot do all the work for them. Technology has definitely changed the lifestyle and common purpose of many humans. Conclusion In conclusion, society has recently seen the negative effects of society. Competition between cities and companies has taken away jobs and brought unwanted and costly projects into pleasurable areas. A change in lifestyle among almost every human being is yet another negative effect of technology. What has happened to people since supermarkets came to town? People do not want to hunt for food anymore. They find it much easier to walk into a store and purchase it. A third reason why technology has a negative effect on society is the advent of highly reliant possessions such as the automobile. Many people count on traveling to work every day by car. If the car was somehow taken away from people then there would be chaos. It is much too late to take it away. Humans are much too reliant on it. There is not enough mass transit to transport all of the present car users. Hopefully, future technologies will be fully considered. We must look at the advantages and consequences and measure if society will benefit or suffer from the technology. Past technologies weren't fully considered and if they were, there is a chance that the automobile never would have gone into production.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Value of a Dystopia Essay - 2321 Words

A perfect world with no negative aspects can be defined as a utopia. A utopia consists of having all the required or desirable elements of life that one has in mind. Everyone has an altered perception on what a utopia is, but in order for the world to be a utopia a universal definition is vital. Some elements to be considered in a utopia include a society that is stable socially, morally, politically, and economically. The more a world is in deficient to these key elements of a utopia, the farther the world travels from the parameters of a utopia. Through the analysis of the novel â€Å"Lord of the Flies†, the movies â€Å"Lord of the Flies†, â€Å"V for Vendetta†, and â€Å"Gattaca† and the song â€Å"Green Destroyed†, it is evident that a utopia is very†¦show more content†¦When the boys fooled around and did not fulfil their responsibilities, such as watching the fire or getting more wood for the fire, Ralph got mad but he did not try to make a change. Ralph did not enforce the rules; he had only warned them and kept doing just that. One reason it was hard to sustain was because there was no sense of leadership skills. â€Å"By now, Ralph had no self-consciousness in public thinking but would treat the day’s decision as though he was playing chess. The only trouble was that he would never be a good chess player (Golding. 128).† Ralph did not take on the proper leadership role that he should have, which was to lead by example. An example that illustrates this is when he told the boys to build tents; he could have shown them how to build them instead of just telling them to do it. Also when a situation did not go as planned, Ralph did not know what to do. There was a lack of hope for the future and a general lack of a positive outlook. It was also hard to sustain because there was a lack of entertainment which the boys wanted as a reward for their efforts but never did. There was never any fun such as m usic, chants, festivities or feasts. Entertainment is an aspect that helps to maintain a perfect world because it is a way to make people happy as happiness makes one satisfied. There was a value in the attempt of Ralph’s utopia. They were stuck on an island with no idea of when they wereShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of `` Night `` By Elie Wiesel1425 Words   |  6 Pagesin which people live dissatisfied lives under total control of the government. As terrible as dystopias are, there have been many instances of such societies in the past, and a copious amount of them are found in our current time. Although it may seem that mankind would learn from past experiences and be able to prevent the formation of dystopias, all failed endeavors at utopia, in turn, lead to dystopia. A prime example of this is found in the novel Night, by Elie Wiesel. 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